Blog Candy !!
Well, I'm very happy that I've began this blog, and amazing people have been helping me and giving me amazing inspirations for this passion that I discover that is stamping. And wow more 1000 hits amazing.
So I put some things together to give away, just leave a comment and please make a sure you follow a number on you comments, the first person will out # 1 and the others follow because I will use to see the winner. On your comment choose which tear bear animal you'd like see on my side bar my gallery and leave your email please.
I will announce the winner on my birthday October, 6th.
Just one comment allowed.
I have one brand new ranger distress ink vintage photo, stamps from Club Scrap, Michaels and TAC, Stickers from Club Scrap, poxy stickers, house mouse stickers. I will send also a tear bear animal of your choice.
Thank you for your support.
the Blog candy is open to Canada, Brazil and USA
Very cool giveaway! Also LOVE that coaster calendar!
Ok I'd want to see a tear frog... I have a frog thing :) But have never made a tear animal!
#2 I love your blog! I'd love the crab since I have a beach/ocean thingy in my home. Your site is so cool and I'm definately going to keep coming back. Club Scrap rocks also. Blessings.
Oh my goodness! I have never seen (or even thought about) tear penguins before...that is just the cutest! Thanks for the invite over to your blog, and the cool giveaway.
-Michelle in TN
Wow - I think I am post #2. I'd like to see a frog too. My friend just made a fish bowl with only frogs. It was pretty cool.
Post #2: OMG!!! I LOVE your prizes!!! I have to go with the cow!! She is soooo cute. Thanks!!
Cheryl KVD
I love you new pink tear bear. She is adorable.
Heather ~
#7 I love all your animals. My favorite is the cow. I am from Saskatchewan there are alot of cows here.LOL Thanks for the chance! Congrats to your hits
#7 I would go with the penguin. I think the numbers are all messed up.
Congrats on your hits. What sweet candy you are celebrating with. I love the tear bears, but haven't tried one yet. I would have to pick the PENQUIN! They are all so cute. Thanks for a chance.
Congrats on your blog! I share your connection with the 2 worlds.
I would love to see a tear dog, really - maybe not so original, but I love it. :)
Oh - I see repeat number so I pick #9 (you had 8 comments, so this is probably right). my e-mail:
Happy B-day!!! I love monkeys. How about a monkey?
I think I am post #9!! I love all your tear animals but think I like the pink bear the best. I just can't figure how you do them. Thanks and we all appreciate your blog.
Cheryl Sims
#9 I would like to see a cat. I just love kitties! Thanks for the giveaway!
The numbering is all messed up. I think I am #10??? I think the tear horsie is the best. Too cute!
#11... I love the pig! Would love to see a flamingo too!!
Your comment #'s say I will be #16.
How about a robin (bird). That could be really cute - not sure if it could be done!
Post 12. I love the pink teddy bears. She is so cute!!!
Have a wonderful upcoming Birthday!!!
I may be 12- and I like bear surprises, so you choose.
Hi Janaina,
I'm not sure, but I think I'm #15.
I have never seen Tear Animals before...they are so cute! I LOVE the crab, and the penguin, too!
Thank you for sharing.
#17 I hope thats the correct #! I think a penquin is cute to have. Your blog is great and congratulation on hitting over 1000! Thank you for your generous offer!
#16 here.
i love the peguine idea or a snowman. the lil puppy one is soooo cute!! congrats at 1k i rember when the numbers rolled to that for me as well.
Lucky #16! (I think the numbers are a little messed up so I just counted the posts) I love your tear bears they are so cute. I have yet to try making them although I do love paper piecing. Mine's a toss up between the cow & penguin...they are just soooo cute!
#16 - Oi Jana acho que este é o comentário de n.16!
Adorei o seu blog, sempre vou visitá-lo!
Parabéns pelo aniversário!
Eu adorei o pavão, muito lindinho!
Bjos, Luciana Kajiura (SBB)
I think the numbering system is messed up so I just counted the comments and I will number mine with the next number, sorry but I think there will be alot of missing numbers in between. I think a lot of the blogs got crossed as they were sending....
Anyway I am #16 according to the current count and I would love to see giraffes or penguins....both would bring smiles to my face... :)
Congrats and happy birthday. Love the blog candy choices also!
# 12 - I loved you blog.
Happy B-day. I hope to chage ideas with you!
# 12 - I forgot my email. It is
hello janna...
i love the bear pink,she Too cute!
my post is number 16!
my e-mail
Congrats on your blog!!
The numbers are all messed up masybe I am #18? I would love to see a monkeyyyyyyyyyy - I actually tried to have a tear monkey on my blog lol.
Happy Birthday Jana! I love the Pink girlie bear...she's adorable!!! WOW, girlfriend, what fantastic candy you have there, we all want to win it, but only 1 can win, can't wait to see who it is. Congrats on your hits, too! Your doing a fantastic job, keep up the good work!
Hey Jana!
How cool is candy! I love the Cow! She is so cute!
Your blog is so cool! I looooove the giraff. He is the cutest and the peacock is adorable also. How do I choose? The little pink bear that you show last is also adorable. Well...I am unable to make a I will leave just my comments...thanks!
Betty Mae
Happy Birthday !! You have a wonderful blog, Congratulations.
I'd love to see a kitten.
Well- it said 27 comments when I started this, so I am guessing I am #28. I absolutely love the tear bear animals. I never saw them befrore, they are so cute. I love the blue cat. I adore cats- so that was easy (but the penguin is very, very cute also!)
Thanks for sharing :)
It shows I'll be #28. I love you tear bear animals, especially that tan dog so he gets my vote:) It's so cute how you did the horseshoes on your sitting horse.
Oi Jana, tb adorei seu blog, e seus bichinhos são uma fofura. O meu preferido é o cachorrinho!
Acho que meu post é o 27!
Feliz Aniversário, cheio de paz, saúde e felicidade!
Meu e-mail é
Oi, Jana!
Adorei seu blog! Também já vi alguns vídeos seus... Muito legais...
Acho que esse é o comentário 37.
Adorei o pavão!! :)
Olá jana!
Adorei ver seus trabalhos, são fofíssimos.
Gostei muito do pavão.
Acho que meu número é #37.
segue meu
Bjinhos e PARABÉNS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I am #38~
I love the puppy~
shannon.julie at
#41 Wow I love the Dolphin one. I'm into the sea shell ocean theam with my room and I just LOVE dolphins. Great blog and hope it visit it more often!
Congratulations On Your Hit Count, Sister!!! Love all the creations you've been coming up with - and I am so proud to see you 'grow'! You are doing great!!! Just keep up with what you're doing, and you will do wonders!!!
You've got some great sweets to give away. The person that receives that will be totally thrilled!!!
Much Hugs n' Aloha....
# 43
Congrats on the hits. Great work you have here. Will definately be back.
Tks for the opportunity to win such great blog candy.
#44... muito chique seu blog...
vou olhar tudo com carinho...
E tudo bem se eu linkar o seu blog no meu?
Your tear animal menagerie is so cute. I will pick the cat because they are my favorite pets. Thanks for offering us treats.
Very nice things to give away! Love the colors! Thanks for sharing!
I've always wanted to learn how to make the cute little tear bears & look at you! You have created a whole zoo:) My favorite is the penguin.
Oi, Janaína!
Sua idéia de SHARING, GIVING Away É muito boa e eu a parabenizo pelo altruísmo.
Nem todas as pessoas são assim.
Quanto à qualidade do seus trabalhos eu não preciso deizer nada, a gente já se escreve e-mails o suficiente para eu sempre seu mais e mais sua fã.
Não sei o meu número.... há tantos números repetidos... Creio que o meu seja #48.
Eu sou fão do pinguim, mas vc já tentou fazer um hippo??
É um bicho grandão, com aparência de "quero-colo" e, mesmo apesar disto, é o que mais mata homens na África, sabia?? Bem, foi o que me disseram quando lá morei!!! Depois disso passei a ter mais respieto por ele, mas sempre admirando aquela pele brilhante, o "bocão" igual do Lobo Mau na histótia do Chapeuzinho Vermelho.
No fundo acho que tenho uma certa simpatia pelos grandões... Tão incompreendidos, às vezes, concorda?
Parabéns pelo BLOG, mas parabéns ainda mais efusivos, pelos videos e a paciência de querer ME ajudar...
Beijinhos cariocas... com uma ponte nos unindo... unindo nossas raízes...
I Love the teddy, The tear one that you featured a few posts back. That one of my favorite and has given me a grand idea for making some of my own. i'd love to see that one.
Oi Jana.
Acho que sou numero 50.
Oi jana,
Adorei seu blog, acho que o meu é o comentário n° 51 (boa idéia!!!) kkk
Todos os bichos são lindos, mais eu adoro pinguim...
Aww your tear animals are cute. Congratulations on your 1000 hits! It's no wonder. . .your blog is great!
I love all of them but I really like the puppy on the first row. I think they're all cute.
oi jana! parabens!
i love your tear animals... especially the cow... i LOVE cows. :)
i would like to see a tear turtle... i think that would be cute.
thanks for the blog candy!
my email address:
#54 You are very talented! I would love to see a tear turtle!
May you have a blessed birthday!
Angel hugs,
Jess in Cincinnati, OH
These are so cute! I had a hard time deciding so I am picking two...the cow and the sheep:)!
Adorei o blog, sempre que entro na net dou uma olhada e vejo outras maneiras de usar carimbos que eu não tinha idéia. Acho que meu comentário é o #56.
Os bichinhos são lindos e eu sou suspeita para falar,mas o cachorrinho é meu predileto.
Um Feliz Aniversário, muito amor, saúde, paz e muitas realizações...
Um beijão e tudo de bom, pois vc merece.
Adorei o blog, sempre que entro na net dou uma olhada e vejo outras maneiras de usar carimbos que eu não tinha idéia. Acho que meu comentário é # 56.
Os bichinhos são lindos e eu sou suspeita para falar,mas o cachorrinho é meu predileto.
Um Feliz Aniversário, muito amor, saúde, paz e muitas realizações...
Um beijão e tudo de bom, pois vc merece.
Oi Jana..adorei seu blog, você é muito talentosa e faz coisas lindas.Meu comentário é o n°58, adorei a ursinha cor de rosa...Um grande BEIJO...Até mais
Oi Jana, adorei o seu blog, você é muito talentosa e faz coisas lindas.Meu comentário é o nº58.Adorei a ursinha cor de rosa..Um grande BEIJO...até mais.
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