Fabric Mini Album

This is a mini album I did for my sister, I bought a kit and class from Donna Downey
her work is amazing , and I going towards to learn different things, in search to improve the style that I feel confortable with, I like to mixture things, and this is a "romantic style".
So experiment if you live in a place that paper is expensive, try fabric you can do so much with it.
The photos and saying were done with fabric sheets, you can find at joann, just search
fabric sheets colorfast. The name on the front say sister (female), and the letters are Basic grey, I went over with ink and used Diamond glaze. The same thing with glitter you can see the tutorial here.
Today I begin to study with a friend my math homework and we could not get even into half
heavy stuff oh my !
I hope we can finish tomorrow so I can make a video.
thanks for stopping by


Maria said...

Wow your album is very beautiful Janaina! You're really coming up with a lot neat scrapbooking stuff!


Dawn Wheeler said...

Thanks for sharing great ,tutorial,Dawnx

Risa said...

I love your album Jana and the colors are fantastic!

Edys Gonçalves said...

Muito bonito!!! Adorei o bebezinho fofinho...


Alhambra Club said...

wow, your sister is going to love it.

~Nancy~ said...

Hi there!Just wanted to stop by to say hi and thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!! Have a great day!

Marlou McAlees said...

what an amazing album, first time i have seen a fabric album and im impressed :) x

Anonymous said...

Oi Jana, passei por aqui para deixar um oi. Querida, tentei encontrar o linki dos carimbos que vc demonstra, mas não consegui.
Beijo grande

Anonymous said...

Minha Doce irmã!!
eu amei.!!!
chato ser liiinda né? o bb fofo sou eu!!
eu amei, sabe o quanto te amo, e quanto sinto sua falta!!
beijo enorme
